Friday, 11 October 2019

Punched Disks Earrings

Figure 1- Nkabinde, M., (2018). Silver Punched Earrings.
This was the first pair of silver earrings I made for my b-tech after having a difficult time finding the starting point for my work. I started with four test pieces where I had done different variations of punching, where I decided to draw the pattern in Rhino 3D first before punching it out. I started by punching and drilling to indicate different colours in the patterns and I would use a steel block and masking tape to hold the disk in place. I noticed that the metal wasn't doing what I was hoping to get, which was more of a visual look of a fabric. Then I was advised by my lecturer to use a wood block instead of a steel block just to explore different ways and see how the metal reacts.
I wasn't really pleased with the outcome of these earrings because they were flat they didn't have any three-dimensional feel or look at all, but I was happy at how the punching looked like and you could actually see the flow of the patterns. This motivated me to look into a three-dimensional form and see how I can incorporate it in my work. 

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