Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Function Of Jewellery

Spiritual Mediation

According to Metcalf jewellery has been associated with the spiritual and the supernatural.The intimate contact between symbols and skin as jewellery is worn becomes a constant reminder of ones faith, and the promise of security and salvation.
Coloured Disks
melted beads

Enamelled Pendant
Mandala means circle, it offers balancing visual elements, symbolizing unity and harmony. Mandalas are usually used as a form of meditation, but they all have different meanings so you need to know the meaning of it before using it. My b-tech journey is a continuation from my 3rd year work where I made this enamelled pendant inspired by the mandala. Mandala are made from repetition of patterns and colour. The colours have different: Yellow- for learning, wisdom, laughter and happiness
                                                                Blue- for emotional healing, inner peace and meditation
I feel like these two pictures are a good example of the above explanation and circle have been working very well with my designs as well as the patterns taken from isishweshwe. My jewellery pieces are not only a reminder of ones faith but also it symbolizes unity, that you can take different aspects from different fields and put them together to create beautiful and meaningful jewellery.

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